Friday, July 13, 2012

Miracle Foods For Flat Bellies

Some of the worlds most appetizing foods comprise a limited known incommunicable weapon for flat bellies-mono unsaturated fatty acids! These plant-based fats can be found in avocado, olives and dark chocolate also nuts, seeds and oils and although they have been shown to be great for heart condition and a fine defense against continuing disease, it has only recently been found that they also seek out and destroy fat in the most difficult areas, like your belly and does this great than a carbohydrate rich diet!

Oils from safflower, canola, olives, peanuts, walnuts, sesame, soybeans and sunflower seeds can be used for stir-frying, pan-frying and in salad dressings. All oils are pure fats but these oils are low in total fat and fat and can be used sparingly when our cooking needs call for it. Importantly, they are all rich in mono unsaturated fats.


Nuts like almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, cashew nuts and seeds like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are great to eat as snacks. And natural peanut butter is one of the most appetizing foods around. Nuts are one of the best sources of protein, fiber and vitamin E also mono unsaturated fat.

Avocados can be used sliced with salads or with roughly any entrees. You can mash them with lime juice, salt and pepper to serve as a dip to eat with chips or mixed in with salsa for a delicious, authentic touch that is also satisfying.

Olives, black or green, can be served as snacks or sliced and sprinkled on salads, pastas or pizzas. An olive tapenade can be spread on crackers, sandwiches and wraps. also mono unsaturated fats, olives comprise a lot of vitamin E which hunts and destroys free radicals in the fatty parts of our body.

Almost unbelievably, dark or semisweet chocolate can be used roughly any way you carve and is one of the best sources of mono unsaturated fatty acids! Just like many dark vegetables, chocolate has many condition benefits. also the mono unsaturated fats that fight fat, chocolate comprise flavonoids which act as antioxidants to safe our bodies from free radicals that cause aging and heart disease.

Miracle Foods For Flat Bellies

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