Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wealth Vs Poverty - Why is it So Hard to Get Rich?

Statistical data indicates that 10% of the world's adults control 85% of the world's wealth. That means that most of the wealth in the world belongs to just a few. Why is that? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What causes these discrepancies to continue from generation to generation?

Does it have to do with intelligence? While having a high Iq makes the acquisition of schooling and holding of the reams of facts needed to become flourishing in the world easier, there are many brilliant derelicts in the world. So there must be more to it than that. Being born into money helps since it's not something that needs to be earned or acquired. Still most of the children of wealthy families continue to build the house firm rather than just waste their time and money on frivolous activities while children born into poverty generate lives that perpetuate the lack of life's finer things. 


Is this the consequent of the old "children learn what they live" adage? Certainly there is no doubt that to some extent environment plays a part. But not always. For example, what about Oprah Winfrey? Who among us began our lives in more disadvantaged circumstances than Oprah. Born to unwed youthful parents, Oprah had as many obstacles to her success as one is likely to encounter. She was a poor, black female which was a very unfortunate mixture in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States of America. As a young child she was moved from a home with her grandmother, to her mother's home, and at last to her father's home. In addition to the unstable living arrangements, she was sexually abused by a relative as a young child. She could have adopted a victim mentality and spent her life in poverty or at best mediocrity as most population in these circumstances do. What then made Oprah different?

Could it be that somewhere deep inside she believed that she deserved to have a good life? The calculate most population are where they are is because they believe that they are not worthy of more than they have. We all have a photograph inside us of who we are and what we deserve and unless we are able to change that picture, to raise the bar, we will find ourselves unable to rise to another level of success, wealth, and abundance. It is so simple, yet most of us have a great deal of difficulty believing it.

If you are not where you would like to be in your life, it is imperative that you find a way to change your beliefs about yourself. The discrepancy in the middle of where you are now and where you want to be is just a change in thinking. We all need to change the way we think about wealth and about those who have it. It is leading to realize that they are not extra beings who are more deserving than we are. We have no calculate to either envy them or resent them. The fact that they have fullness does not in any way interfere with our potential to have the wealth that we want. We just have to decree what we want and believe we deserve it. Once we are able to do that, all things we need to achieve our goals will follow.

Wealth Vs Poverty - Why is it So Hard to Get Rich?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Be Wise - Strive For Total Wealth

When we lack inevitable things, the joy of living is diminished. In some instances we may become severely distressed and even incapacitated by such lack. When we are sick, in other words, when we lack good health, it is not a happy situation and we do all we can to secure our health. When someone is poor, that is, when they lack money and material possessions, life is not very enjoyable. Such a someone is not able to live the way they wish or do the things they want. Poverty oppresses and incapacitates. As individuals and as nations, we all are desirous to distance ourselves from poverty.

Likewise, life is not so full and joyful when we fail to find happiness and fulfillment in relationships and in our work. (By relationships, I mean association with God and with our fellow human beings). The deep desires we have to commune with deity and to love and be loved by others are emotional needs we are born with. And so we find that human beings palpate want in three identifiable areas. Life requires us to cope with physical, material and spiritual wants.


The saying, "health is wealth" implies that someone in good condition can be said to have corporeal wealth. When a someone has a lot of money and material possessions we report them as being materially wealthy. In the same vein, when someone finds happiness and fulfillment in relationships and in their work, they can be said to possess spiritual wealth. And this brings us to the idea of total wealth. To have total wealth is to be wholly free from physical, material and spiritual lack. This is the holistic model of success. A someone is truly wealthy only when they have gained total wealth.

In general, citizen tend to be primarily involved with their material well being. Hence they focus on striving for material wealth. But thanks to the likes of Jane Fonda, the American fitness buff who helped to popularize the "keep fit" trend. There is now an awareness of the condition risks potential in the sedentary life style engendered by technological advancement. These days, being wholesome is not just about being free from sickness. One has to be physically fit. Lots of citizen are now adopting the proactive approach of exercising regularly to mouth good condition and keep fit. Many have realized the need to actively pursue wealth of the corporeal kind.

However, acquiring spiritual wealth is one goal most citizen cannot be said to be striving hard to attain. And to think that this ought to be our first priority. When someone gains spiritual wealth, they are guaranteed to also gain material and corporeal wealth. If you have any reservations about this assertion, then listen to the wise counsel of one of the world's most spiritual luminaries, Jesus Christ of Nazareth:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more foremost than food, and the body more foremost than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more primary than they? Who of you by worrying can add a singular hour to his life?

"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of small faith? So do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (The Bible, Mathew 6:25-33).

But what is there to lose if someone chooses not to bother with the pursuance of spiritual wealth? The sass to this quiz, can be found by taking a close look at the lives of some foremost individuals.

When it comes to fame and fortune, very few citizen can match Michael Jackson. He rose so high as a star that the tag, superstar was just not good adequate and so he was dubbed, megastar. The singer undoubtedly raked in extraordinary amounts as earnings from article sales worldwide. But in spite of his extraordinary career success, he did not find happiness and fulfillment in close relationships. His marriage to Priscilla Presley did not turn out to be blissful. He was complex in other relationships that ended on a sour and acrimonious note with settlements taking place in and out of court. Michael Jackson may have belonged among the rich and famous, but he undoubtedly was not one of the happiest men in the world. Fame and riches are naturally not enough. We need spiritual wealth to certify happiness and fulfillment in life. (The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, died on 26 June 2009 of heart charge at the age of 50).

The late Princess Diana had all going for her, it seemed. She became a member of one of the world's most loved and respected royal families by marriage. In terms of material wealth and collective status, her union with British royalty catapulted her to the very top. However, the love of God and fellow man, which are pointers to spiritual wealth, were not particularly clear in her private life. In marriage, the closest of human relationships, happiness and fulfillment eluded her. In time, she slid from the position of dream princess to the level of adulterous spouse and then chose to tag along as girlfriend to a wealthy businessman. We all know the tragic end to her story. She was killed in a car crash while on a trip with her lover.

As monarch of an oil producing Arab State, the late King Hussein of Jordan enjoyed the affluence and affect that come with his position. But while all was well materially, he was wanting in corporeal wealth. Even the best doctors in the United States could not save him from the cancer that put an end to his reign while he was still in his sixties. Money cannot always secure good condition much less secure longevity. Only the possession of spiritual wealth will enable us attain and mouth happiness, good condition and success in life.

In the Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus confirms that there is a price to pay when we fail to make acquiring spiritual wealth our first priority, (The Bible, Luke 12:13-21):

"Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the legacy with me." Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?" Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the plenty of his possessions."

And he told them this parable: "The ground of a inevitable rich man produced a good crop. He idea to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.' "Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grains and my goods. And I will say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry."'

But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich towards God."

If the reader is still not convinced of the wisdom of striving for spiritual wealth, the statement I am about to quote should resolve the matter. It was made by someone who has chased after the material as well as the spiritual kind of wealth.

Sir John Templeton is one of America's most victorious financial investors. He is reputed to have created some of the world's largest and most victorious international venture funds. Later, he sold his varied Templeton Funds to the Franklin Group for 0 million. Now in his nineties, he is a full time philanthropist. Straight through the John Templeton Foundation, which he established, he gives away about million a year to funding work aimed at discovering and advancing scientific knowledge about the spiritual aspect of life. For his many accomplishments, he was knighted Sir John by Queen Elizabeth Ii in 1987.

Here is what this extraordinary personel has to say about what the pursuance of spiritual wealth has done to his life: "I focus on spiritual wealth now, and I am busier, more enthusiastic, and more joyful than I have ever been."

In terms of capability of life, we all want the best for ourselves and total wealth is the very best that life has to offer us. Be wise, strive for it.

Be Wise - Strive For Total Wealth

Monday, September 19, 2011

Make Money With Penny Stocks

Is it really possible to make money with penny stocks? Yes, absolutely. Is it risky? Yes, absolutely. Should you try it? Maybe, not necessarily, possibly, it depends.

Are you a rank beginner, needing to have all terms defined and possibilities explained? If so, you need someone to hold your hand and walk you through the process. Unless you just like throwing money out the window to see if any will blow back in, you need help. No shame there, but who you should trust to advise you- that can be tricky.


So, okay, a good, respected, trustworthy advisor is the first thing you need. Well, actually, that's the second thing you need. The first necessity is disposable money to invest. Do not, under any circumstances, borrow money to invest. And do not buy penny stocks with the money you have set aside for the kid's college education, or new tires for the car, or -horrors!- the house payment.
While you can make enough money with penny stocks to call yourself filthy rich, you can also lose enough to become dirt poor.

Let's assume you have a few hundred dollars to invest and a yen to try your luck as a trader. Before you do anything else, educate yourself. Learn the lingo, monitor a newsletter or two, lurk around the forums, and read, read, read. Don't trust the stock tips that arrive uninvited in your in-box or the tips that come from your cousin's brother-in-law's neighbor who knows someone "on the inside."

As the saying goes, when the pupil is ready, the teacher arrives. When you've learned enough to know you need help, start looking for that advisor, the one who has a good reputation and knows how to make money with penny stocks. You'll have a much better chance to make it to that filthy rich category someday.

Make Money With Penny Stocks

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Spells To Bring In Money - Which Ones Really Work?

If you are looking for a magic incantation or spells to bring on money, then consider opening your mind to why you are living in lack now. And, how to change it without paying someone to cast a spell on you that may or may not work, but more importantly perhaps do more harm than good.

What if you came to understand that you don't need someone else to help your financial situation turn around? The fact is that whatever condition your finances are in now has been created by you, not outside circumstances, or events. It isn't your fault necessarily, but one thing is for sure, you need to clear your conscious mind of the thought patterns that are creating that empty wallet.


You see whatever thoughts you have stored in your conscious mind about money like "I never have enough", "I can never pay my bills on time" or worse, "being rich is evil" are what is steering you away from the abundance that you where actually designed to receive. It is because of these thoughts that you have convinced yourself that instead of attracting money, you repel it. Deep down you really believe that you do not deserve to be rich.

So if you find Spells to Bring in Money that were Guaranteed to work, and if you "believed" that they would attract the dollars that you desire, they "might" work, but they will never be long lasting. In order to change, you have got to get to the one place inside of yourself that will make that happen and no money spell cast for you can do that.

That one place that you need access to is your subconscious. When you bypass your conscious mind where those negative and destructive thought patterns live, you can feed your subconscious mind with the desired goal and it will accept that as truth. Unlike the conscious mine field of thoughts that have created doubt and unbelief , the subconscious can change the course of your life immediately when it is given different directions. This is because doubt and unbelief don't exist in the subconscious mind. In other words, it doesn't judge, the subconscious simply accepts.

One of the easiest ways to gain access to the subconscious is through the use of Subliminal Messages. Subliminal Messages are statements that are "hidden" from the conscious mind within music, pictures or movies. With the right wealth attracting statements fed to it, the subconscious will take you where you need to go to attract the money that you desire. No longer will you struggle and live in lack, or fight those negative thoughts that keep you impoverished.

Simply put, you will always be in the right place at the right time. You will control your finances and you will never have to worry about money again. Try to find Spells to Bing in Money that will make that kind of an impact on your bank account!

Spells To Bring In Money - Which Ones Really Work?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tuition Grants - How New Students Can Get Free Money For School

While the cost to go to college and get a degree is only becoming more expensive for students, tuition grants help millions of people pay for school. Students who apply and receive these funds not only don't have to worry about coming up with money to pay for their tuition, but they never have to worry about paying the money back.

The biggest advantage of tuition grants is that once the money is awarded, you don't have to be concerned about losing the funding or paying the money back. Scholarships, for instance, typically require maintaining a certain grade point average and remaining a full-time student. If, for example, you have to drop a course, you could end up losing the money because you may not be taking enough credit hours to be considered a full time student. With grant money for college, you don't have to worry about those terms.


Tuition grants are more attractive than student loans as well, because there are no repayment terms. The average student graduates from college with ,000 in student loan debt. That's debt that has to be managed before even getting your first job out of college. But with tuition grants, you can graduate debt free because the cash obtained doesn't have to be repaid.

In addition, many grant programs allow you to use the money to pay for textbook, student housing and other educational expenses. In some cases you'll receive more grant money than is needed, which gives you surplus funds to use in the following terms.

Tuition Grants - How New Students Can Get Free Money For School

Friday, September 2, 2011

What Are the Vibrations Or What is the Frequency of Wealth?

Do My Brainwaves sway My Frequency?

Many habitancy wonder about the relationship in the middle of brainwave entrainment and Law of Attraction frequency. When we meditate, our brainwaves lower their frequency to low Alpha (best for relaxed focus and concentration) or Theta(best for dreaming, lucid dreaming or manifesting). With the use of a brainwave generator or binaural beats, we can achieve conscious Delta which is the brainwave that allows us to entrance the collective unconscious. (Without training and practice, it is not possible to stay conscious while in Delta.)


The best brainwaves for manifesting seem to be lower frequencies than normal. So, how is it that most teachers suggest raising your frequency in order to synchronize with the frequency of wealth?

Our brainwaves sway our opinion patterns, not our allembracing frequency. It is useful to alter these opinion patterns to bi-pass our Egos on a daily basis. This allows relationship with our Super conscious or Higher Minds. Some habitancy find it easier to do this initially with binaural beats, but studies of long term meditators, Silva formula students or remote viewers shows that they can learn to fast lower their brainwaves without help from a brainwave entrainment device.

Once we bi-pass our Egos, we are able to directly review with Divinity/Source or our Spirit Guides. This raises our allembracing frequency, which is different from our brainwave frequency. The bottom personal frequencies are those of shame, fear or hatred. The highest is that of enlightenment.

Our Emotional Frequencies

This is the frequency that affects the Law of Attraction. The low frequencies keep us solid and dense. At the highest frequencies we are light and luminescent. David Hawkins in Power vs Force gave his calibrations for human emotions from 20 to 1000.

At 20 (shame) our immune system is weak and we are prone to corporal illness. The other end, 700 to 1000, is estimated to be the level of Krishna, Buddha and Jesus. The earth is affected by the frequencies or the vigor levels of all of us, and we are affected by the allembracing frequency of the whole. Princeton's Global Consciousness task monitored a significant worldwide negative blip just before the first plane struck on 9/11/2001. It also noticed a significant worldwide definite blip the day of Barack Obama's inauguration.

Frequencies below 200 are vigor draining of anything colse to and of the earth. This would contain guilt (30), grief (75), fear (100) and pride (175). At those frequencies, you would not be able to manifest consciously. You would be bringing more guilt, grief, fear and pride into the world. The first definite emotion is courage (200). Courageous habitancy are exploring and thought about and put back as much into the world as they take.

More honestly we have willingness (310), acceptance (350) and love (500) and peace (600). At these levels one has true happiness and is able to manifest abundantly. David Hawkins estimates that one personel at 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200. Level 600 (peace) counterbalances 10,000,000 individuals below 200!

What frequency is the best for wealth?

You will find the match for what you desire. We have found that living in the definite allows us to generate more of what we desire. This does not mean that we never have anything go wrong, but we are honestly able to jump over any impediment. Often it turns out that these hurtles were there to move us in a more fruitful direction, or to teach us something that we would need to know in the near future. In the definite emotions, you have absolute trust in the Universe.

Once you have successfully attained these definite frequencies, you are able to generate far more good than bad in your life and in the lives of those in your environment and in the world.

So, use the brainwave frequencies to help you meditate, and the meditation to help you achieve a higher personal or emotional frequency.

What Are the Vibrations Or What is the Frequency of Wealth?