Thursday, June 21, 2012

Prevailing Financially!

"I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;"- Daniel 7:21 (Kjv)

Here is a verse that you may not have seen before but would agree that if there is any area of the Saint's life where this has manifested itself - it is finances. While seemingly prevailing in church growth, attendance and praise and worship the saints are literally not prevailing financially!


Financial advice comes in all forms, some are understanding gleaned from reading, while others are customized by pro planners - all giving you advice on what you should and shouldn't do to ultimately reach your state of financial freedom. No matter which plan you try, there are some fundamental changes that you must make in order to be flourishing financially and believe it or not, they have very diminutive to do with how much money you have!

The first thing that you need to do is compare your "Readiness" - Are you ready to make the changes in your life right now that will allow you to prevail financially? It seems a strange question but you can recall times in the bible where Jesus asks the question "would thou be made whole?" of persons who without a doubt had and displayed severe maladies. The intuit you fail before is that you were not truly emotionally ready for change.

In order to prevail financially, you must Repent! - naturally convert your mind. You must commit to trading your "old money concepts" for "new and healthier money concepts." This has more to do with readiness for convert than a desire to have more money- there is a big difference.

The good news is, as you start on the journey to convert your "old money concepts" you will be amazed how your life will convert spiritually, physically, psychologically, and emotionally. By truly committed to changing your "money concepts" you will accomplish not only financial benefits but so much more!

Go ahead and ask yourself:

Am I ready to make permanent "money concept" changes for me and my family? Am I ready to start living each day by my new "money concepts"? Am I ready to defend my "money concept" changes to those who will try to undermine my efforts?
If you reply an unequivocal "Yes!" to these questions then you are ready for your next step.

The second convert you need to make is to "Discipline yourself to live agreeing to the money concepts in the word of God." It may surprise you but most saints have no idea what God has to say about money. This is why the scripture declares " people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 (Niv). If you are going to prevail, financially, you have to spend time studying what God has to say about money and then discipline yourself to following His instructions.

God has clearly laid out in His word your stewardship and admonishes that if you are not a meticulous steward that "...even the diminutive that you have will be taken away from you." So purpose in your heart that you begin to:

Spent time daily prayerfully reading God's word Shape your "new money concepts" from God's word. Religiously effect the "money concepts" in God's word.
Always remembering that "it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth,"

The third thing that you need to do to prevail financially is to "Develop your vision"- "for where there is no vision the people perish." Sounds familiar, it is one of the many bible verses you will find as you read the word of God that relates to planning. Do you have a plan for your life? It is crucial that you have more than just a desire for more money but a plan that encapsulate your life's vision of how this money will be used - "For a man's life consist not of the plenty of things he may posses."

What is your heart-felt intuit for money? You will need it when times are tough, and they will be while your convert process, you will need a heart-felt intuit to keep you motivated. The overlying intuit should be "that he may institute his covenant."

It is imperative to take a few minutes to learn what your vision is. What is important to you that you will be able to accomplish with your new found money concepts? Write this vision down and plaster it anywhere so you always see your end goal and it will always help to motivate you supplementary when times are tough.

The fourth thing you must convert is your words - is yours negative or positive? Unfortunately, you may be praying to God to bless and prosper you, but what are you saying after you are done praying. Just as our Father framed the world with his words you must be meticulous of the words you speak as they are creating the world in which you live. Never forget that you believe what you are told repeatedly. What do you tell yourself?

Are you permanently telling yourself "I am broke" or "I don't have any money" once you believe it then no doubt you will have it! Your confidence makes it your reality. So whenever you hear yourself say I can't or any other self-defeating talk, stop yourself and convert the sentence to a positive. Realizing that "death and life are in the power of the tongue." Keep working on you by literally reinforcing to yourself that you Can do all things.

Finally, be prepared for change. Prevailing financially requires you to convert your "money concepts" - This is process and the beginning of convert will be difficult and uncomfortable. You have to fight because it soldiery you to get out of your relieve zone and focus on your new behaviors. This process will take time but I assure you that once you do what you are able to your "new money concepts" will soon become your new habits and the uncomfortable feeling will go away.

Always remember that God, your Father has given His word and His power to prevail financially!

Copyright © 2009 - Glenn S. Ferguson

Prevailing Financially!

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