Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Uneasiness With Wealth? No!

Have you ever worked for a boss who is downright implacable? That feeling is probably on the top of my list of things that, to me, are incorrigible. We all have battled with the grief of showing up to work in an environment that we abhor. Micromanagement stifles your creativity, but it seems like you have no choice. Many a worker/employee tolerate the thinking battering from a stealthily hostile environment until retirement. Some very emotional people take the reprisal home and it is redirected to house members, friends, a valuable other and so on. I've observed in corporate environments the rapid growth in iconoclastic behavior. The chasm in the middle of the "in the trenches" worker and the "system" grows more and more every year. As the cheaper worsens, some managers have chosen to intensify the pressure on the worker. Due to the high unemployment rate, some bosses have grasped and wield an authority that has reduced their employs to mendicants. Fellowships downsize and in so doing duplicate or triple the accountability of an employee. Unfortunately,most of the times this is done without communication as to why, how and when. In steps resentment.

One look at the "occupy" movement will identify the growing displeasure with unfair living conditions, indigence and the arrogance displayed by some. It is unfortunate that it appears to be an outcry against wealth.Maybe it's nothing but a cry for equity and humanism in the work place and the world at large. There are those who absolutely detest success. There are those with ulterior motives, but I am convinced that the raising of this movement, the motivation and the hold echoes a sentiment that needs to be addressed regionally, nationally and globally. There are questions that need to be asked and answered on a forum of the people. Our media gleefully assigns catchy names to athletes, artistes and uprisings. The Arab spring, the subway series and now the 99%. The world is at a point of volatility. people are angry, disillusioned, and feel betrayed. The powder keg is there, the match is available. It would be seditious to ignore the cries of the people. This movement will not go away because these are the same kids that lent us the world. Address their issues.


Our children need to be presented with a future that is promising. One young man asked me quite recently, "when all these wars are started, the people who started them are gone, what will we do? This my friend is the new generation.

Uneasiness With Wealth? No!

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