Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wealth Vs Poverty - Why is it So Hard to Get Rich?

Statistical data indicates that 10% of the world's adults control 85% of the world's wealth. That means that most of the wealth in the world belongs to just a few. Why is that? The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What causes these discrepancies to continue from generation to generation?

Does it have to do with intelligence? While having a high Iq makes the acquisition of schooling and holding of the reams of facts needed to become flourishing in the world easier, there are many brilliant derelicts in the world. So there must be more to it than that. Being born into money helps since it's not something that needs to be earned or acquired. Still most of the children of wealthy families continue to build the house firm rather than just waste their time and money on frivolous activities while children born into poverty generate lives that perpetuate the lack of life's finer things. 


Is this the consequent of the old "children learn what they live" adage? Certainly there is no doubt that to some extent environment plays a part. But not always. For example, what about Oprah Winfrey? Who among us began our lives in more disadvantaged circumstances than Oprah. Born to unwed youthful parents, Oprah had as many obstacles to her success as one is likely to encounter. She was a poor, black female which was a very unfortunate mixture in the middle of the twentieth century in the United States of America. As a young child she was moved from a home with her grandmother, to her mother's home, and at last to her father's home. In addition to the unstable living arrangements, she was sexually abused by a relative as a young child. She could have adopted a victim mentality and spent her life in poverty or at best mediocrity as most population in these circumstances do. What then made Oprah different?

Could it be that somewhere deep inside she believed that she deserved to have a good life? The calculate most population are where they are is because they believe that they are not worthy of more than they have. We all have a photograph inside us of who we are and what we deserve and unless we are able to change that picture, to raise the bar, we will find ourselves unable to rise to another level of success, wealth, and abundance. It is so simple, yet most of us have a great deal of difficulty believing it.

If you are not where you would like to be in your life, it is imperative that you find a way to change your beliefs about yourself. The discrepancy in the middle of where you are now and where you want to be is just a change in thinking. We all need to change the way we think about wealth and about those who have it. It is leading to realize that they are not extra beings who are more deserving than we are. We have no calculate to either envy them or resent them. The fact that they have fullness does not in any way interfere with our potential to have the wealth that we want. We just have to decree what we want and believe we deserve it. Once we are able to do that, all things we need to achieve our goals will follow.

Wealth Vs Poverty - Why is it So Hard to Get Rich?

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