Thursday, April 8, 2010

Are you making these 4 credit card mistakes?

Everyone makes mistakes, it is our nature. Sometimes because we do not know any better, and many times even though we do what we do.

Many of us have made some pretty big flubs with plastic and therefore it is always good advice to get some useful reminders of the big credit card so we can avoid past mistakes again.

Believe me, you can definitely get out of credit card debt and start working in the right direction with their personal finances, avoiding some of these credit card mistakes:

1. Not paying attention to due dates

This recently happened to me. I have my e-mail notification of the statement, records that in the back of my mind I had to pay that bill and, unfortunately, went to work and never bothered to pull the declaration of the back of my mind until two days after the bill was due.

I know what you're thinking - just automate the payment of bills! Yes, you should do, but I like to look at what is in the declaration and make sure everything is correct. This forces me to do so.

Making a late payment if only for a few days can accrue charges ridiculous that only compound their debt. Those charges can also upset to have an impact on your credit report. Be aware of the debt payments and pay on time is key.

What I do is to give American Express a call and see what they can do for me. Since we do not have a balance normally pay on time and have been a long time, loyal customers I hope they'll waive the charges for me.

2. Not paying your bill in full each month

This is where it all begins right? You're a willing victim crazy cycle. You buy something that can not afford and think: "I get paid in two weeks I am going to put in credit card and as I get the bill they will pay" and then something else appears.

Emergencies happen or find a trinket that you want to buy and you put in your credit card as well. At the end of the month you get a strong bill. What do you do? If you only pay what you can and after that the balance of the card that accumulates in insane amounts of interest, you're asking for trouble and perpetuate the cycle!

Just think, with a little discipline and some self-control that could have prevented the unnecessary expenses and used the money to open a Roth IRA or a background of some other type of investment account.

3. Not realizing that they have credit card problems

Well, this sounds silly, why not recognize that you have credit card problems? Well, it is actually quite easy. I spent most of my college years and shortly after living the high life without taking into account the thousands of dollars that was up!

I did not even realize there was a problem of credit card. I just discovered this was a normal part of life and once I made more money, then I would pay that debt! No big deal right?

Soon I realized that I had to make some drastic changes! Get real with yourself and ask if you have any problems spending.

4. Do not negotiate with credit card companies

It baffles me that more people do not call their credit card companies to negotiate with them. You can negotiate things like interest rates, late fees or payment plans. If nothing else, it does not hurt to give them a call and find out what you can do for you.

The person who never asks, never receives. Of course, now there is no guarantee that the credit card company will do nothing, but would not it be nice to know if they were willing to do anything?

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