Sunday, May 31, 2009

Top 10 Great Jobs for summer

1. Amusement park worker

Summer sizzle: Amusement parks are a prime summer-job hub, mainly because your options are endless in terms of jobs. Just a few of the positions that need to be filled include performers, ride operators, customer service, mascots, game workers and food staff. (Did I mention the discounts on entry and funnel cakes?)

Salary: $21,758

2. Bartender

Summer sizzle: Summer seems to trigger a hidden thirst gland that's been hibernating all winter. The first nice day rolls around and windows open, music plays and bars fill up. Bartenders make great money and keep busy serving up many a cold beverage to college students and workers taking a load off.

Salary: $21,876

3. Catering helper

Summer sizzle: Find a job helping a catering company part time during the summer and you're in business. The scheduling for a gig like this is ideal: You're able to work a certain amount of events per week, for a few hours at a time and at a great hourly rate.

Salary: $16,469

4. Construction worker

Summer sizzle: There are more than a few upsides to performing physically demanding work all summer long. The first few that come to mind are killer muscles, rewarding work and a great tan.

Salary: $31,781

5. Day-camp counselor

Summer sizzle: Rise and shine! It's true that your days of sleeping in will be short-lived as a camp counselor, but working with kids is never short of pure entertainment and you'll enjoy organizing group activities, like crafts or outings to the pool. Plus, you'll get evenings and weekends off.

Salary: $20,493

6. Executive assistant

Summer sizzle: Although you'll have to trade your bikini for office attire, the chances of finding administrative work are in your favor during the summer. As employees take summer vacation, many companies bring on extra staff to cover their projects. Plus, getting your foot in the door by helping companies tackle projects will do only good things for your résumé.

Salary: $49,270

7. Lifeguard

Summer sizzle: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That is, if you can't afford to spend your days poolside for the fun of it, soak up some rays and get paid for it by keeping tabs on swimmers from your guard chair.

Salary: $16,782

8. Resort desk clerk

Summer sizzle: Every resort vacationer is looking for a little R and R, so you'll work to ensure guest's needs are met. On your downtime, you can spend your time enjoying some of the luxuries of the resort yourself.

Salary: $17,585

9. Tour guide

Summer sizzle: While living near a tourist trap or in a vacation town can be annoying at times, it can also work to your advantage. Options are endless when it comes to the things people want to see. You can find a job leading boat tours, bus tours, architecture tours, haunted mansion tours, museum tours ... the list goes on. This summer gig is a great way to learn more about the city in which you live and get paid doing it.

Salary: $22,545

10. Valet parking attendant

Summer sizzle: Valets essentially exist almost anywhere. From hotels to restaurants to concert venues to weddings, you can earn some serious cash in tips from generous patrons at any given place. And depending on the venue, chances are you'll probably get to see some pretty cool stuff -- and drive some pretty sweet cars -- in the meantime.

Salary: $16,737

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