Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Find Out What Is Wealth Creation

If you would like to know what is wealth creation, you may be surprised at the riposte to this question, as I am distinct it is not the riposte that you and many other habitancy are expecting.

Why I say this, is because most habitancy view wealth only in financial and material terms, in other words, if a someone has a lot of money, has a big house and an expensive car, habitancy would automatically think of that person, as being wealthy.


Why most habitancy would think this, is because most habitancy confuse having a lot of money, in other words, being rich, with being wealthy. Added to this, most habitancy also confuse having many expensive material possessions, as being wealthy.

While it may be true that there are wealthy habitancy who have lots of money and many expensive material possessions - these are not the characteristics that make them wealthy! This is the major variation in the middle of being rich and being wealthy.

By being rich, does not mean that a someone is wealthy, although, almost all of the habitancy who are wealthy, are also rich. Do you know the intuit for this? The intuit being, is that habitancy who aim at becoming rich and who eventually come to be rich - do so, by focusing only on making money and by focusing only on making money, they neglect all of the other areas of their lives.

Let me clarify why I have stated this. Our lives are made up of many different spheres or aspects; there's financial, social, spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological aspects to each of our lives and each of these spheres need our attention - we therefore, need not only growth but also balance in our lives.

People who are wealthy, unlike those who are only rich, focus and develop, all the different spheres in their lives and therefore, wealthy habitancy have growth and balance in their lives. habitancy who are only rich, have only financial growth, as they focus only on the financial sphere in their lives.

To riposte the question, what is wealth creation? Wealth creation is creating a life of abundance. Let me explain; it is only by focusing on growth and balance in all the different spheres in our life that we are able to originate wealth, or a life of abundance. Having a life of plentifulness leads to a person's well-being, therefore, wealth can also be described, as well-being.

Find Out What Is Wealth Creation

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