Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Top financial milestones before 30

1. Scale back the credit cards. "So many people credit chesalnye it up," says Sarah Young Fisher, 53, president of financial-planning firm Kuntz Lesher Capital in Lancaster, Pa.: "I am an old lady. When I started, then T could get credit cards without work. Now they are just send it to you, and people do not realize how much time will be required to pay for him to leave at 20% interest. "

The average credit card debt among 25 - 34 year olds was $ 5,200 in 2004, according to credit card research firm That is at the top of an average of $ 19,200 in student loan debt carried recent students.

Young Fisher said 30-year-old should be a living on wages "- without taking credit card debt - and save at least 10% of the total wages in the future. "If not," she said: "You will not be able to retire."

She recommends investing in Microsoft Money or Quicken - a convenient software that allow you to track income, expenses and investment, and can be programmed to help with taxes and objectives.

2. Own home - or plan. Young Fisher argues that the housing must be a priority for those who rent. "Start saving for a down payment," she said. "If you find that you like, or change the life comes together (for example, a child or a move), but you do not have money, you're going to take or receive interest only mortgage - which is ridiculous."

When you buy, she said: "buy what you can afford, not what you love." And do not forget the new costs that come with the house - a lawn mower repair furnaces and snow shovel.

3. They have skills. Even for those who do not consider themselves as entrepreneurs, the majority of workers should expect changes in some employers and job titles throughout their careers. "By the time you're 30, you should develop a set of marketable skills," said Greg Fisher, 35, founder Gershtein Fisher, New York financial planning company. "Try to bring something new to the table."

The model works in the same company for 30 years and retired with a gold watch is now two generations obsolete, said Fisher, who founded his company - which serves customers mainly in the age of 45 - at the age of 21.

Today's workers need to differentiate themselves in order to survive and thrive, said Fischer. "It's for hire. If you work for a company, you have only one client," he said. "If they fire you, you're offside."

4. Give money. No, not the credit card company in the form of 24.99% interest rate payments. Instead of establishing regular charitable giving plan, said Scott Hanson, founder of financial planning firm Hanson McLean.

"I think it is financially healthy to give," said Hanson, who also hosts a financial show of Call-Sacramento, CA Speaking of customers and subscribers, it has come to believe that we are emotionally deprived state, which spends feel good. When we feel down, we head to the mall.

Hanson believes that the good Vibes considered one of the reason for making that can also create a feel-good factor - one more important than a new CD or a 80% discounted cashmere sweater. "Giving money to put it in perspective," he said.

5. Know thyself. Introspection is not just for middle-aged guys with ponytails living on a rock in Japan. Having a firm grasp on your priorities and values is a critical component of financial life.

For example: There are impressive to your friends and a stranger one of your core values? No? Then why is that expensive leased SUV sitting in your driveway? "Start with yourself to know and build your life in such settings, and the money line with those parameters," said Hanson.

"People have proved that their goal is even to zero before they go. Once we have a roof over our head and food on the table that none of the

Other things really going to bring that much joy, "said Hanson." Money is not important. You will never have with pleasure, if it exists. "

6. Know smart people. It is very important to have strong advisers in your life, Young said Fisher. Knowing well the tax preparation, financial adviser, lawyer and insurance agent can save you untold amounts of money and stress. "If you need someone to get a good comrade," she said.

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