Let's face it, most citizen want greater wealth than what they already have.
Wealth means not having to worry about being able to pay the seemingly never-ending flood of bills that we are drowned with most of the time. Wealth means a comfortable lifestyle, a luxury home, a nice motor vehicle, vacations, travel, beautiful clothes and all the trappings that having an fullness of money brings.
Most citizen have No Plan to attain such a position of wealth.
Perhaps the most common plan, if you could call it that, is the weekly buy of a lottery ticket. Somebody has to win the big one. Right? You've gotta be in it to win it. Right?
So, do you want to know When you will win that big lottery prize? Allow me to afford you a sobering thought...
Imagine, just for a moment, that you were standing shoulder to shoulder in a massive line of one million people. Imagine now that you were informed that the heavens were going to open up and that a bolt of lightning was going to descend and kill One person instantly.
How safe would You feel? There are 999,999 Other citizen in that line.
Ok. Now reverse that recipe of thinking. How sure do you feel that you can win that elusive big lottery prize now?
If your wealth creation strategy is nothing more than you pinning your hopes on winning a big lottery prize then, I'm sorry, but you are living an Alice-in-Wonderland existence. It ain't gonna happen.
Yes, I know - somebody has to win it. Somebody always wins it.
I'm not trying to tell you not to play the lottery. I often buy a ticket myself. It's a bit of fun. However, if you are sweating on this as your main recipe to originate wealth then you are deluding yourself.
The vast majority of wealthy citizen worked for it. They had a plan, they stuck to it and over a period of time they became wealthy. Isn't it time that you started to put a plan in place for yourself? Relying on the huge lottery win makes no sense at all.
Find a plan. Work the plan. Let the plan make all your dreams come true. It's a proven recipe for creating wealth.
Wealth - Do You Want to Know When You Will Win That Big Lottery Prize?